Eating Takis Could Make Your Brain Grow.

Yes, it's true.  Eating Takis while viewing and participating in these video clips might make your brain bigger.  However, it's not just the act of eating alone that improves your brain.  It's watching, questioning, and applying what you see in the videos.

I found a new website called LearnZillion.  It's FREE and it'll make your life in our learning environment super easy! Giving you more time to concentrate on your FB status, or gaze across at your new crush. You can download it to any mobile device or computer you use...including our classroom computers. Hmmmm, wonder where you should click to get to this FREE Awesome site that will help you pass your MT's before anyone else in the classroom?

Try it out! Grab some headphones, a bag of Takis, and log on to any English Language Arts content at your appropriate 7/8 level.  Who knows...maybe the sign of  red fingertips on a person, is actually a manifestation of a brilliant learner ;)

Click Me!

Pep Talk

Watch this video, and write down what it means to you.
(Be extra brainy and see if you can put it into Step up To Writing form...(hint-hint, the paragraphs are kinda lined out for you)  Hmmm, so how many paragraphs would that be?

1. How can you apply this to your PERSONAL life goal? (health, well being, mental state of mind)
2. How can you apply this to your ECONOMIC life goal? (career etiquette, employability)
3. How can you apply this to your RELATIONSHIP goals? collaboration/working together, having empathy, communication skills)  ...Not just your BFF, boyfriend/girlfriend or FB friends...but with everyone you come in contact with throughout your day?
4. How can you apply this to your LEARNING goal? (your brain power, self-direction, information learned, daily goals/monthly goals/end of the school year goals/ college goals?